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May 3, 20233 min read
The Perks to Building a Business with Soul, Creativity and Love
My Mom instilled a sense of independence that has stayed with me. And I don't mean the I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T like Webbie but rather the...
Sep 21, 20223 min read
3 effective ways to keep showing up like a winner (even when you feel like you are losing a little)
You've poured every ounce of energy into a goal expecting an outcome that would match how hard you worked. Months or even years have...
Aug 30, 20224 min read
Why you need to celebrate these 3 days every year to live happier, healthier and with more freedom!
I live to celebrate. In all honesty, every day feels like a party! It's not a coincidence that I run an event design company (my dream...
Jul 25, 20224 min read
Wait for What? 4 Ways to Keep Your Faith in God During Your Waiting Season
Like most Believers, you've probably heard the phrase "The Lord works in mysterious ways" more times than you can count. But what does...
Jul 5, 20223 min read
The 6 types of relationships every ambitious woman needs to live a more abundant life in 2022.
One thing is for sure: The game of life has taught me many things. Allow what flows to flow naturally Allow what will crash to do so...
May 2, 20224 min read
The 4 mistakes that stopped you from reaching your goal and what to do next.
So many talented women want more. They want to earn more money, start their own business, get married, have a family, travel. But how,...
Apr 10, 20224 min read
3 life lessons that helped me grow my event design business
Being a mom, believer, wife, and CEO didn't get easier. I allowed my experiences to increase my faith and decided to believe in myself...
Mar 21, 20223 min read
Become the CEO of your self-care routine without leaving your home.
You prayed for this. You're booked and busy. Look at God. But the downside is now you barely have white space on your calendar to smell...
Mar 8, 20227 min read
How to reorganize your life as your nest begins to empty.
Well, here we are—the first day of the rest of our lives. Our kids have left for college, and we are empty nesters. You too? But the gag...
Feb 20, 20224 min read
Pajama Monday: The official day of relaxation.
You know the old saying about pajamas. They're for sleeping, and that's it. You shouldn't spend too much time in your softies because...
Feb 9, 20224 min read
3 daily affirmations for High Achieving women to overcome imposter syndrome
Dear professional woman, You question your skills and abilities. You doubt yourself too often. And that's not who we are. The truth is...
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